Term 2 Week 3 Lesson 11

Posted by Leow Ziping :D | Posted in | Posted on 10:58 PM

Name : Leow Ziping

For this week's GRACE lesson , we have different jobs to handle , Me and Yifan will be finding pictures about global warming while Wenyu and Kwanyang will find facts about global warming . We were each told to think of individual game set-ups and this is my idea of the card game

-Set up
-Cards will be shuffled and each player will be distributed 2 cards
- Players will see their respective cards and no partnering is allowed
-5 cards will be opened onto the ''field''
-Each card will contain different facts about effects of global warming , deforestation and natural disasters
-If you have facts on any of the above , put the card down
-It will continue as you draw another card

-If you place the wrong facts , that card will be placed into your ''DISPOSE'' field
-Game will continue
-The 5 cards will be disposed and 5 new cards will be opened
-You will draw another card
-To win in this game , make as little mistakes as you can
-This game will be testing you on your knowledge of the facts
-At the end of the game , the ''umpire'' will count how many mistakes you have made
-The person with lesser mistakes will win

-Recommended card amount
-54 cards

-Different type of cards
-2 different type
1. Fact card
2. Topic card (Global warming , deforestation , earthquake )

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